Tuesday 1 November 2011

Recce-further analysis

For the music video me and my partner is going to create, we have to decide the location, or locations, where we are going to shoot the video. We already had in our minds that urban areas, such as streets in East London, train stations, big buildings and graffitied walls was our desired location to make the video due to our narrative and interpretation of the lyrics of our song choice. So you can see in our recce that we took these types of photo's.

However we was also interested in incorporating greener areas as well in our video. We believe that it would make the video more unique and enjoyable to watch as we are not just shooting in one type of area. Again, though we also though that it would be good because it suits our interpretation of the lyrics and our storyboard as well. This meant we took some photographs of a park area in Bow where we might shoot part of the video.

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