Monday 21 November 2011


The big day had finally arrived, we filmed for our music video! OK, so we had some serious potential problems which could jeopardize our shoot and we had some actual problems which we needed to overcome.

To start with though, we contacted our lead actor Thomas Woolstoon and asked him to arrive at 12:30 PM so that we could begin filming with him before the problem of lighting which I will get on to later in this report. Our other leading actress, Lauren Gallagher would not be available until after 03:00 PM due to educational commitments (lessons). Therefore we decided that we should film Thomas' solo scenes first, then film the scenes with Lauren later on in the day.

We also enlisted the help of two of our peers in the sixth form in filming our video. Zeinab Jobber let us use her house nearby where we were filming to shoot the scene of Thomas inside the house, and also him leaving the house. We also got help from another student, Matthew Nguyen, who agreed to help us shoot our video due to having good experience with the camera we was using, the NIKON D90, and also having a lot of good previous knowledge in filming.

We finished filming our music video around 4:30 PM, in which we completed a huge majority of the scenes apart from the close-up guitar scene which we would film at a later date.

Now for the problems we faced.

Firstly, the weather could of been a problem. We, however did check the weather forecasts before hand and no rain was predicted, and thankfully the forecast was right. However, because we are shooting our video in late November, lighting could very well of been an issue because it gets very dark at an earlier time in the evening. Therefore we shot as much as we could outside before it became to dark to viably continue shooting our video outside. Me and my partner considered to continue filming in a nearby train station, however we decided against this due to potential problems with security issues. This meant we decided to film in a nearby tunnel which had more than sufficient lighting

Our first main problem came though when we discovered the tri-pod we was using did not work properly, so our footage would not be steady. My partner in this project also does Art, so he knew he could go to the art department in our college near to where we was filming and obtain another one. Moreover, we were told at late notice we could not use a dolly for our filming, so instead we had to just carry the camera ourselves when shooting tracking-shots. This may work to our advantage though as it gives the video a more realistic and grittier feel which suits the song we are making the music video for.

We also had to be aware of the amount of times we played the song out loud because the docking station we used to play the song used battery's, which we knew could run out and we didn't have any spare battery's on us to replace if we needed to. The battery on the camera we was using was also running out, so we had to be careful about the amount of shots we took.

We used the Nikon D90, iPod touch for the song, iPad for our storyboard and a tripod. We came to the conclusion that we were going to have to shoot the guitar close-up without Tom, because he didn't really know how to play the guitar. We asked Tom to actually sing, so that the negative lip synching mannerisms did not creep it, which worked really well, apart from the last scene.

Equipment: Tripod, Nikon D90, Guitar, Coins, Guitar Case, iPod, iPad, Docking Station, Mobile Phones and Coffee Cups

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