Wednesday 5 October 2011

Digipak analysis- Madonna

Front cover

Back cover

Poster Inc. with album
This digipak I am analysing is the world famous music artist Madonna's third greatest hits album, titled 'Celebration.' It was released on September 28th 2009. A compilation DVD, named 'Celebration:The Video collection' was released alongside the album.

The title of this album has one main connotation. As this album was released very late on in her illustrious career, the title "Celebration' signifies that by her fans purchasing this album, they have the opportunity to celebrate the revered singer's long career. The fact that this album contains all her well-known favourite songs and a few new songs, backs this up as by fans purchasing this album and listening to all these songs, they can truly celebrate her career. Moreover, the up-beat nature of the title implies that the music on this album will be positive and up-lifting, which will draw customers to this album on the premise that they will enjoy the music.

The central image of Madonna on the album cover is also interesting. It seems to be in the style of andy warhols painting of Marilyn Monroe, shown here:
Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol
I believe the reason that this was done was because her record label, Warner Bros. Records, wanted to portray Madonna as the new modern day Marilyn Monroe. Monroe in her time was seen as a cultural icon fashion icon, and a sex symbol. Therefore, the audience can work out from this that Madonna wants to model herself on Monroe, and become the new, cultural, fashion icon of her time. This would help her increase her fan base and popularity.

The physical appearance of the star is  


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